The Rx series are our successful LED displays serving the highly demanding rental & staging market
by offering the deepest black levels in combination with extremely high contrast ratio of up to
3,000:1, they are also very attractive products for fixed installations thanks to the minimal need
for maintenance, limited thickness and low power consumption. With output of over 1,200 nits and
16-bit color processing, these LED displays deliver the ex images.
Ultimate Features
1. 无风扇静音设计和良好的散热性能;
Silent operating, good heat dissipation (no fans)
2. 正白色,色彩鲜艳,高灰阶;
Real white, brilliant colors, breathtaking grayscale
3. 显示效果的均衡性;
Consistent uniformity over time
4. 精密型材铝和压铸铝型材结构;
Precision extruded and die-casting aluminum section structure
5. 维护便捷,适用性显著提高;
Remove the tools, improve the serviceability
6. 标准化的箱体设计使得装箱、运输、安装、拆卸、备件和维护都很便捷;
Easy and simple for storage, transportation, construction and maintenance